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1 Job – 90 Days (Highlighted)


1 Job – 90 Days (Highlighted)


Ready to turbocharge your hiring process? Introducing our exclusive 90-day, 1 job Highlighted package that will skyrocket your job opportunities to the top of the candidate pool. With this incredible offer, you can post 1 job for an extensive 90-days duration, ensuring that your openings receive the attention they deserve.

Why Opt for Our 90-Days, 1 Ad Highlighted Package?

Maximum Exposure: With our highlighted Ads, reach a wide and diverse audience of job seekers across various platforms.

High Search Rank: Your post is presented in top search results.

Heavy-Discount: Get unparalleled value with our incredible discount offer.

Job Duration Extension Option: Want to keep the momentum going beyond 90 days? No problem! Contact us at (416) 676-3045  to extend your job post duration hassle-free. You can also email us at canadayouthjobsbank@gmail.com 

Don’t miss out on this exceptional opportunity to revolutionize your hiring strategy.

Elevate your hiring game – because great opportunities deserve extended visibility!

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Product Description

  • This plan includes 1 job
  • Jobs are posted for 90 days
  • One Time Fee
  • Featured in top search results
  • Highlighted Job Posts